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- Jeff’s World Bar
- Jeff's World Bar is now celebrating its 13th anniversary. The American owner, and both Japanese and foreign staff, greet customers bright and cheerfully at all times. The number 1 international bar in Kumamoto, JWB welcomes many foreign and Japanese custo
- Nakamura Botanical Garden Corp.
Founded: November 1, 1984 Employees: 4 Wholesaling / Retailing/ Rental business Dealing in organic products/ Development and sales of Fairtrade certified products Development and sales of halal foods Our company originally produced and sold foliage plants, and then promoted a plant rental business and a landscape gardening business. As a part of the Agricultural Management Improvement Plan, the local government officially approved the company as a certified agricultural producer. The company started to focus on the improvement of production and sales as well as the promotion of the foliage plant rental business. These efforts led to the expansion of our business in the domestic market. Utilizing our existing businesses, we needed to develop ties with new customers in overseas markets. After careful analysis of current economic conditions together with our actual sales, we concluded that value added services and innovative products were necessary to expand our operations abroad. Healthy and safe foods, as well as environmentally sustainable products, are the main themes that we have focused on in recent years. We founded “Organic Agricultural Products”, producing Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) certified organic foods. Demands for JAS certified agricultural products have grown rapidly. As a part of pilot test, we began importing and selling coconut oil produced in Sri Lanka last year. The test results were positive, as a result we diversified into a new business field, producing and selling organic products. We acquired the JAS certification (certification number: 1590-C01) from the Kumamoto Organic Agriculture Association, which is a Kumamoto-based nonprofit organization authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.
Nakamura Botanical Garden Corp. Corporate overview
Current business activities
We are currently involved in; 1. Flower gardening services 2. Production, sales, and rental of foliage plants 3. Production of Japanese Agriculture Standard certified organic agricultural products 4. Production and sales of processed agricultural products 5. Developing related to importing and exporting of agricultural products from overseas 6. Business development related to internationally recognized Fairtrade certified products 7. Production and sales of pet food 8. Sales of cosmetics and sundries
We supply certified halal products in KumamotoMail order
"Koko Umaka", which is made from horse meat produced in Kumamoto, is a dog food developed for improving the health of pet dogs. "Koko Umaka" successfully blends the horse meat and health-oriented coconut powder together. The low-calorie horse meat contains non-allergenic, low-fat, good-quality protein, rich in iron. The coconut powder is rich in beneficial medium chain fatty acids, ketone bodies, and lauric acids will help promote the health of your pet dogs.
Producers in Sri Lanka, partnered with our company, directly send us high quality freshly dried organic fruits. The dried fruits are beneficial to people who are trouble with constipation, high blood pressure, aging, and anemia, Try them for yourself!
This is high-quality extra virgin coconut oil produced by 'cold pressing' fresh coconuts. The method is called "Organic Bio Methods". The safe, high-quality oil is directly imported from factories in Sri Lanka, which are partnered with our company. The oil has a wide range of product applications including; cooking, dieting, anti-aging, skin moisturizing, and many more! Savor all the gifts of nature from Sri Lanka.
"Cocomy", which contains natural aroma oil as a scent, is an organic sugar scrub with natural oils. The scrub constitutes of two key ingredients: high-quality coconut oil and sesame oil produced in Sri Lanka. Organic Bio Methods, which originate from Sri Lankan traditional medicine, Ayuveda, and stone mill cold pressing methods are used to produce the coconut and sesame oils. The scrub contains no animal oil. The natural ingredients of Cocomy keep your skin silky-smooth and heathy. Cocomy is a perfect scrub for people with sensitive or fine skin. Savor all the gifts of nature from Sri Lanka, which are now available in Kumamoto!
"Cocomy", which contains natural aroma oil as a scent, is an organic aroma soap with natural oils. The scrub constitutes of two key ingredients: high-quality coconut oil and sesame oil produced in Sri Lanka. Organic Bio Methods, which originate from Sri Lankan traditional medicine, Ayuveda, and stone mill cold pressing methods are used to produce the coconut and sesame oils. The scrub contains no animal oil. The natural ingredients of Cocomy keep your skin silky-smooth and heathy. Cocomy is a perfect scrub for people with sensitive or fine skin. Savor all the gifts of nature from Sri Lanka, which are now available in Kumamoto!
Try this sesame oil before you sleep when you have restless sleep or physical fatigue. NeoSesamy is good-quality sesame oil also produced using the stone mill cold pressing method. Ingredients in the oil help activate your metabolism and naturally warm your body. You can experience the Sri Lankan Ayurveda simply by using the oil. Ayurveda medicine says that "a stress less life will lead to a sound sleep". Regular use of the oil can relieve the stresses related to your daily life. Our company recommends the Ayurveda-conscious lifestyle for improving your sound sleep.
- Bar Style
- Located in Kai Building 2F, Korinji St (off Shimotori arcade), Bar Style has an at-home, relaxed atmosphere and smiling, friendly, cute staff. It is a great place to forget about your business or personal worries. Come with your friends or come alone. Please come and hang out with us!
<English>Girls Bar
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